Personalized tournament public space

Customize your tournament public pages

Increase the visibility of your brand and sponsors by exploiting the customization options of your tournament public pages

Support your sponsors with extra visibility

Reward your sponsors and give them more visibility by displaying their logos on the public homepage of your tournament.

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Up to 6 sponsor logos

Add and display the logos of up to 6 of your sponsors and partners on your tournament homepage.

Redirect visitors to your sponsors

Make each of the logos clickable to redirect the visitors to the page of your sponsors.

Apply your own background

Your tournament deserves to stand out and highlight your branding towards gaming communities. Customize your tournament public pages by displaying your own custom background.

Share your broadcast content

Gather your media content on your tournament and match pages, so that people only need to check a single place to find everything about the competition.

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Share your live streams

Link live streams from any major streaming platform to your tournament, so the live feed is readily available on matches.

Associate your matches with their VODs

List replays, highlights and bonuses from every match in your tournament after they end, for latecomers and posterity.

Customize and order your competition circuit

Configure and personalize the dedicated pages of your competition circuit to group all the information useful for player participation and visitor consultation.


Display your competition circuit information

Show on a dedicated page all the tournaments that make up your competition circuit. Personalize it with the logo and description of your competition circuit.

Organize your tournament lists

Help your players easily find the tournament of your competition circuit that suits them by ordering them by game, region, tier or season.

Make your participant rankings visible

Display the participants ranking of your tournaments automatically updated on a dedicated page.

Discover the Pro Plan

The public page personalization is part of the Pro plan which is dedicated to organizers with advanced or professional organizing needs. Explore these options and unlock the full potential of your tournaments.

Customizable widgets

Enrich your official website or those of your partners with the results of your tournaments by integrating Toornament's dynamic and customizable widgets.

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Toornament TV

Automatically broadcast your tournament results and highlights to your online and in-person audience thanks to the Toornament TV display solution.

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Advanced custom fields

Add advanced custom fields to build the registration form you want and collect the participant data you need.

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Competition circuit and ranking

Whether you need to build a single national league or a competition circuit made up of multiple international qualifiers, Toornament will make it easier for you to manage them.

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