Community Cup: October Edition

Games of Glory Community Cup: October Edition

PC, Playstation 4
By Lightbulb Crew
100% played
Welcome to the Games of Glory Community Cup: October edition!

FR: Si vous parlez Français et vous avez des besoins de traductions au niveau des regles, n'hesitez pas à nous contacter sur notre Discord!

To celebrate fall's sweet relief on one of the galaxy's hottest planets, 8 teams will fight to the death in a double elimination bracket on the infamous planet of Svandia!

- Date: October 22nd, 2017
- Time: 19:00 CEST (Paris) / 10:00 PST (Pacific). Check-in time is 18:30.

October Community Cup is:

- Open to everyone who would like to participate! (PS4 or PC)
- Played in teams of 3 (OK to submit one substitute on your team member list)
- A FRIENDLY dev hosted tournament, so come with a good attitude! :)

Games of Glory is:

A free-to-play top-down team shooter available on Steam and PlayStation®4. Fight alongside friends to earn fame and fortune in the epic intergalactic arenas of the Synarchy!

Looking for a team? Try our Discord!
Europe/Paris (UTC+01:00)
- Will receive enough Soldi (virtual ingame currency) to purchase a free League Skin of their choice! You will receive this prize upon showing up on time the day of the tournament!

- For those of you competing in the tournament with you Games of Glory ingame "Club", we will upload your custom logo to the backend to represent you during the tournament

FIRST PRIZE: 3 x Master of the Arena Packs (or equivalent in Soldi if on PS4) + 3 Games of Glory T-Shirts
2nd Prize: 3 x All Stars Pack + 3 Games of Glory T-Shirts
3rd Prize: 3 x Guardians Pack + 3 Games of Glory T-Shirts (or equivalent in Soldi if on PS4)

*Lightbulb Crew may submit a 'just for fun' dev team to the tournament. This team will automatically be disqualified from earning any prizes, which will go to the next team down instead*